The mission of Wiseblood Books has endured, has flourished
because people like you have made the choice to support it.
Without your donations, we would cease to exist.
Will you be wide-eyed with us and donate today?
because people like you have made the choice to support it.
Without your donations, we would cease to exist.
Will you be wide-eyed with us and donate today?
All donations are tax-deductible and will help our non-profit 501(c)(3) small press sustain an elevated level of operation.
Our small press fosters works of fiction and non-fiction, poetry and philosophy that find redemption in uncanny places and people; wrestle readers from the tyranny of boredom; articulate faith and doubt in their incarnate complexity; dare an unflinching gaze at human beings as "political animals"; and suffer through this world's trials without forfeiting hope.